Policies and Procedures

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Policies and Procedures

Good policies and procedures keep your business running smoothly, but how do you find time to develop and maintain them?

Foxbridge Communications can develop clear, concise policies and procedures for any aspect of your business. We can also maintain them or develop a process for you to maintain them yourself.

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Planning and Reports

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Planning and Reports

Whether you need to update your annual business plan, develop and issue a government report, or create a new plan for a business venture, we can help.

Foxbridge Communications works with all stakeholders involved to produce comprehensive reports and planning documents. From public meeting reports to strategic plans, we’ve got you covered.

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Performance Monitoring

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Performance Monitoring

How’s your business doing? While every business needs good performance measures and a way to track performance over time, it can be hard to dedicate time to this important task. From profit and loss reporting to inventory control and customer service measures, it’s important to know what’s driving your business.

Foxbridge Communications can help you develop key performance indicators, dashboards and other monitoring tools so that you can stay on top of your business performance.

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Corporate Restructuring

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Corporate Restructuring, M&A Support and Change Management

All companies go through unique challenges as part of their evolution, and we’re here to help.

Whether you need to integrate multiple legacy companies into one company or communicate a major shift in strategy or business focus to your customers and employees, Foxbridge Communications can help you effectively manage a major transition and quickly implement your new strategy.

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