The Benefits of Chamber of Commerce and LeadShare

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Are you a member of your local Chamber of Commerce? Sometimes it’s overwhelming to think about adding more to your plate, but learning from other local business owners and sharing referrals can bring new energy, inspiration and clients your way.

By joining the Chamber, you immediately increase your company’s visibility in the community. Adding the Chamber logo to your website and putting a sticker in your window draw attention from local residents who like doing business with those invested in the community. Additionally, the Chamber offers numerous networking events that are filled with people who might be good leads or partners for your business, presenting unique opportunities that you won’t find elsewhere.

The Chamber also offers the opportunity to join a variety of groups and committees. You can attend as many meetings as you’d like to find which groups best fit your business needs. One highly beneficial group to check out is LeadShare. The Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce offers multiple LeadShare opportunities. These groups are comprised of business owners who meet twice a month to help each other with leads and referrals, and there’s only one seat per business type so you aren’t competing against each other. It’s a great way to reach a larger and more diverse group of potential clients.

Are you interested in learning more about the Chamber of Commerce and how LeadShare might help you? Contact Foxbridge Communications for more information at [email protected].


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