Are you thinking about making some changes to your business? It can be hard to decide the right changes to make, and when those changes should go into effect. Making changes that dissatisfy your clients could be detrimental to your business, so make sure you understand your customer and clients’ needs by sending out a simple survey or poll requesting feedback. It’s easy to send out email surveys using tools like surverymonkey or surveygizmo, but make sure the survey you send is effective. Here are some tips for getting the best feedback possible.
Keep it short
If a customer receives a survey that is 5 pages long, they are not likely to take the time and fill it out. Or if they do, they’re more likely to rush and not give thoughtful, honest answers. Keep the length of time it will take to fill out the survey to under 3 minutes and under 15 questions.
Ask open-ended questions
Asking yes or no questions won’t necessarily get you the answers you’re looking for. If you ask, “should we move our store location?” wouldn’t you want to know why people say yes, or where they think you should move to? Instead ask, “What possible new location would best benefit you?” and give multiple choices. An exception to using closed-end questions would be when gathering demographic information, such as “Are you an existing client?”
Keep all questions separate
Asking multiple questions in one line can be confusing and come off as an interrogation to customers. For example, try not to ask, “How did you hear about us? Were you referred by a friend? If so, which friend?”. Instead, separate the questions and use multiple choices and fill in options for answers.
Surveying your customers is an excellent way to stay in touch and make sure you’re meeting their needs. We recommend polling your clients annually. If you need some help with survey creation, we are here for you! Email [email protected] for more information.
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